What is the Ideal Body Size for Body Contouring?

In this article, I want to talk a little about "Ideal body size" and more specifically the BMI concerns that a lot of clients come to us about when they are first considering body contouring as a solution. It is not what you might think and the answer can vary depending on your lifestyle habits.

But first...

What is body contouring?

Body contouring is a cosmetic procedure that aims to improve the shape and appearance of the body. The procedure has gained immense popularity in recent years due to its non-invasive nature, minimal recovery time, and no scarring. With the rise in popularity, many people are curious about the ideal body size to achieve the best results. However, it's important to understand that the normal body mass index (BMI) standards are not indicative of whether you qualify for body contouring treatments.

How does BMI play a role?

Body mass index, or BMI, is a numerical value calculated from an individual's weight and height, used to determine if a person is underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese. The BMI standard has been in use for over a century and has been used as a diagnostic tool for weight-related health problems. However, the BMI is a limited measure that does not take into account the distribution of fat, muscle, or bone in the body.

What is the BMI Requirement for Optimal Results with Body Contouring?

For non-invasive body contouring treatments, such as CoolSculpting or Cryoskin, most people will see great results with a BMI of under 35. This is because the treatments work best on individuals who have isolated pockets of fat that they would like to remove. However, the results can vary depending on the individual's body composition and the area they would like to target.

Are there any body contouring treatments that don't have a requirement?

If you are over the BMI but you still want to smooth, tighten and tone your body, you can opt for lymphatic drainage style treatments, while on a healthy diet & lifestyle journey.

For example, with our endospheres therapy, any body size can get results. These treatments focus on improving circulation, reducing swelling, and promoting lymphatic drainage. The treatments are effective for individuals of all sizes who have symptoms of water retention/bloating, lymphedema, cellulite or poor circulation and with the right number of treatments can create a body contouring effect.

In conclusion, there is no "ideal body size" for non-invasive body contouring treatments, it's just a matter of starting with a treatment that will be the best fit for your goals and body size. It's important to understand that each individual's body composition is unique and that the results can vary. For best results, it's essential to consult with a qualified professional who can assess your individual needs and recommend the most appropriate treatment for you. It's also important to maintain a positive body image and embrace your body shape and size, regardless of the results of body contouring treatments. Non-invasive body contouring should be seen as a tool to enhance your natural beauty and help you feel confident in your own skin.

Can I Lose Weight with Body Contouring?

It's important to understand that body contouring treatments are not a weight-loss solution but are instead designed to help target and remove stubborn pockets of fat that do not respond to diet and exercise. These areas can be located in various parts of the body, such as the abdomen, flanks, arms, legs, and back. It's also a great alternative if you are on a weightloss journey but you want to see more targeted fat loss from a specific area.

What areas should I treat first?

Regardless of your body size, if you have stubborn fat that refuses to go away, those are the areas you should start treating with non-invasive body contouring. The treatments work by using controlled cooling or thermal energy to target and freeze the fat cells, causing them to break down and be naturally eliminated by the body. These treatments are especially effective for individuals who have areas of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise, and who want to achieve a more toned and contoured appearance.


In conclusion, there is no "ideal body size" for non-invasive body contouring treatments, it's just a matter of starting with a treatment that will be the best fit for your goals and body size. It's important to understand that each individual's body composition is unique and that the results can vary. For best results, it's essential to consult with a qualified professional who can assess your individual needs and recommend the most appropriate treatment for you.  Non-invasive body contouring should be seen as a tool to enhance your natural beauty and help you feel confident in your own skin.

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